90 minutes, 7 actors, 3 playwrights, and ONE WINNER - we need your votes and voice to choose!
In collaboration with Charter Oak Cultural Center, Mandell JCC, Emanuel Synagogue and the Jewish Plays Project, Playhouse on Park is hosting the 9th Annual Hartford Jewish Playwriting Contest. The Hartford Community Readers Panel has chosen their top 3 plays: THE WORLD TO COME by Ali Viterbi (Atlanta, GA); PROVENANCE by Jennifer Maisel (Los Angeles, CA); and ON THE EDGE by Motti Lerner (Ramat HaSharon, ISR).
Join us for a reading of an excerpt from each of the three plays. You then vote for the play you would like to see advance to the finals in New York! To learn more about the playwrights, the plays and/or the Jewish Playwriting Contest visit www.JewishPlaysProject.org. The Jewish Plays Project identifies, develops, and presents new works of theater through one-of-a-kind explorations of contemporary Jewish identity between audiences, artists, and patrons.
Charter Oak Cultural Center, a beautiful historic landmark and vibrant non-profit multi-cultural arts center, doing the work of social justice through the arts. To learn more visit www.CharterOakCenter.org.
The Mandell JCC Serving people of all backgrounds and at every age and stage of life, the Mandell Jewish Community Center is a gathering place and resource for the Hartford region. To learn more visit www.MandellJCC.org.
Emanuel Synagogue in an inclusive, multi-generational Conservative congregation emphasizing Jewish values, community and strives to serve their members through all lifecycle stages. To learn more visit www.EmanuelSynagogue.org.