October 23 - May 14 at two venues -
October 30 - 31 -
November - May

8:00PM All Seats $10
General Admission; Reservations recommended
Cash Bar (beer/wine) courtesy of The Prospect Cafe. Doors will open at 6:30pm
A rare alignment of improv is happening at the Playhouse on Park! A smorgasbord of improv groups will be performing on the same day, at the same time, at the same place! This fun filled evening will feature some of the areas best known improv groups as well as up and coming performers. Highlights of the evening will include Zaga, an improv duet, starring John Faga and Claire Zick; Sea Tea Improv known for their short form comedy; Free Lunch doing their own style and many more!
Friday, October 30 includes: Playhouse on Park's Montage Class, Sea Tea Improv, Horse Lincoln and Zaga
Saturday, October 31 includes: The Answer, Playhouse on Park's Montage Class, Free Lunch and Campfire

Zaga John Faga and Claire Zick have been learning, teaching, and performing improv together since 2002. They used to be seen together regularly at Unexpected Productions, Seattle's largest improv theater, and Sisters of Sal, an award winning long-form group that won Seattle CageMatch and has performed with Ryan Stiles. Now with Claire transplanted to Connecticut, John and Claire can only be seen on special occasions when the stars align to put them in the same city. See Improv Workshop info below.

Sea Tea Improv The eight members of Sea Tea Improv (Summar Elguindy, Joe Leonardo, Greg Ludovici, Matt Neufeld, John Perez, Julia Pistell, Dan Russell and Kate Sidley) met through the Hartford Stage Studio training program in the summer of 2008. After a year of workshops and performances, the troupe began rehearsing and performing independently. Sea Tea Improv hosts a monthly improv event at City Steam Brewery in downtown Hartford. Visit http://SeaTeaImprov.com for more information.

Free Lunch is an improvisational comedy group based in central Connecticut. Formed in the Fall of 2008 by alumni of Claire Zick's improv classes, the group came away winners in the first Connecticut Improv Cage Match. In addition to Playhouse on Park, the group has also performed at The Buttonwood Tree in Middletown. Group members Frank Mohr, Kevin MacDermott, Rachel Fichman, Sue Voss, Teagan Smith, and Ted Felekey are all especially friendly and good looking and will resume their regular gig at Plainville's Zen Bar in November.
The Montage class will be performing The Montage, a format made famous by UCB's ASSSSCAT. This format combines monologues and scenes to explore the unusual in every day stories.

Campfire is a long-form show developed by Unexpected Productions in Seattle. Watch a group of campers spin terrifying TRUE stories into horrifically funny campfire tales, which are played out LIVE before your eyes! From haunted mansions to teen slashers, ghostly encounters to UFO sightings. Watch as the improvisers handle them all with scare-larity!
With special guest Jill Farris (pictured)
Horse Lincoln is an improv group from the University of Connecticut.
The Answer is Hall High School's student-run improv/sketch comedy troupe. It is currently in it's seventh year. The troupe has performed at the CT Improv Olympics and won first place in 2006. The Answer does short-form improv and written sketches.
John Faga, a comedy writer, performer, and teacher from Los Angeles will be offering an improv workshop as part of Improvaganza! on October 31st. The class will run from 10:00 AM -1:00 PM and the cost is $25. Registration is required and the class is limited to 16 students. Some improvisation experience is recommended. To register, or for more information, e-mail clairezick@hotmail.com with your name and phone number or call 860.216.5506.
Improv Workshop – Building the Relationship, October 31st, 10:00 AM -1:00 PM at the Trinity College Rowing Boathouse (address and directions below)
In improv, the relationship between the characters in a scene is everything. Establishing the relationship right away gets the action going – once you know where you stand, then you can start to run. This workshop will look at building the relationship between the characters right away so that we can get to the heart of the scene immediately and then, once there, maximize the power of the relationship to bring the scene to its full potential.
John Faga is a comedy writer and performer living in Los Angeles, CA. John has studied improvisation with Unexpected Productions, iO (formerly Improv Olympic), The Annoyance and Upright Citizen’s Brigade. John began performing in 2003 with the award-winning Harold team “Sisters of Sal” and in 2004 became an ensemble member of Unexpected Productions where he performed weekly and taught multiple classes in their improv school. Since 2003 John has performed all across America, Canada and Europe. In Chicago, John was a member of the Playground Theater team “Damascus Steel” and performed regularly with the “Big Yellow Bus”. Currently John is a member of the iO West teams “Fraternity” and “Clover” which perform weekly in Hollywood.
John is delighted to be returning to West Hartford where he performed in “A(n improvised) Christmas Carol” and as half of the team “Zaga” at the 2008 West Hartford Improvaganza.
Directions to the Trinity Rowing Boathouse
55 Riverside Drive East Hartford, CT 06118
From I-91 north
Take I-91 north to exit 25N - Rt 3 / Glastonbury.
Take Rt 3 to end, exit for Rt 2 west / East Hartford.
Take Rt 2 west to first exit. Exit 5A / East Hartford / Main Street.
Main Street to 5th light - Willow St. Left onto Willow St (Monro Muffler on left hand corner).
Willow St. to the end (will pass under Rt 2). Left onto Riverside Drive. Boathouse is about 200 yards down on the right.