Two hours a day for two weeks; themes and instruction based on age group. Classes for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 8. [Registration Form]

Session 1:
June 30 - July 11 (no class July 4th)

Session 2:
July 28 - Aug 8

LOCATION: Playhouse On Park
TIME (Session 1):
Creative Kids (K-2): 9:00-11:00am Cost: $180
Young Actors (Grades 3-5): 12:45-2:45pm Cost: $180
Actors Onstage (Grades 6-8): 3:00-5:00pm Cost: $180

TIME (Session 2): *Note time changes from Session 1*
Actors Onstage (Grades 6-8): 9:00-12:00pm Cost: $300
Young Actors (Grades 3-5):
12:45-2:45pm Cost: $200
Creative Kids (K-2):
3:00-5:00pm Cost: $200

INSTRUCTOR: Dawn Loveland

TO REGISTER: [Registration Form]


CREATIVE KIDS Entering Grade K –2
Children will be introduced to theatre through creative play. Exercises and games will focus on acting, story telling, puppetry, music, and movement. A craft and story will often be included. By the end of the class, students should be using their bodies and voices to start to create characters. Though the emphasis of the class will be on developing skills and not on a final performance, family and friends are invited to the last class to see students present scenes.

YOUNG ACTORS Entering Grade 3 – 5
Students will participate in games, exercises, and scenes to allow them to gain comfort and technique in
portraying a character onstage. Topics will include basic scene work, story telling, puppetry, music, and
movement / dance. Though the emphasis of the class will be on developing skills and not on a final performance, family and friends are invited to the last class to see students present poems, monologues, or scenes.

ACTORS ONSTAGE Entering Grade 6 – 8
Students will focus on developing their acting technique through using their voices and bodies to portray
characters onstage. This class will include acting and storytelling games, improvisation exercises, monologue
and scene work, movement for actors, and voice for actors. Though the emphasis of the class will be on
developing skills and not on a final performance, family and friends are invited to the last class to see students
present monologues and scenes.

DAWN LOVELAND (Education Director) is the Director of Education at Playhouse on Park. Aside from teaching their classes for  grades K – 8, she has directed several shows for young audiences including GOODNIGHT MOON, GO, DOG. GO!, HOMEROOM, and IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE. She also currently teaches Creative Dramatics through the Bridge Family Center. Dawn’s additional credits in arts education include teaching, directing, choreographing and stage managing. Locations include Surflight Theatre, Florida Studio Theatre, Asylum Hill Learning Center, Middleground Theatre, Camp Acting Manitou, The Hartt School Community Division, and Simsbury Department of Continuing Education. Dawn is a graduate of Middlebury College with a BA in theatre, focused on directing.

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