2014-2015 Season
A Message from the Director of Education:

Thank you for exploring the educational offerings at Playhouse on Park. We are proud to offer a variety of educational opportunities for grades K – adult.

Theatre education strengthens self-confidence, team building, listening and responding skills, and can instill a lifelong passion for the arts. We strive to teach students theatre technique in a professional and comfortable environment.

Please check out our menu of offerings to the left. We have many options for both individuals and for groups. In addition, we are happy to work with you to customize a program that might be right for your school, boy or girl scout group, or company.

Whether it is for a weekly class, a summer program, an internship, a master class, a field trip, or a workshop, we look forward to getting to know you. 

Dawn Loveland
Director of Education
(860) 523-5900 ext. 15

  • Dawn Loveland leads a class.
  • One of our actors in training.
  • Broadway actress Susan Haefner leads a master class.
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Dawn LovelandDAWN LOVELAND is the Director of Education at Playhouse on Park. Aside from teaching their classes for grades K – 8, she has directed several shows for young audiences including GOODNIGHT MOON, GO, DOG. GO!, HOMEROOM, and IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE. She also currently teaches Creative Dramatics through the Bridge Family Center, and is teaching and directing at Kingswood Oxford School. Dawn's additional credits in arts education include teaching, directing, choreographing and stage managing. Locations include Surflight Theatre, Florida Studio Theatre, Asylum Hill Learning Center, Middleground Theatre, Camp Acting Manitou, The Hartt School Community Division, and Simsbury Department of Continuing Education. Dawn is a graduate of Middlebury College with a BA in theatre, focused on directing.

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