There's plenty of dance in store this season: a new production from our resident dance company stop/time dance theatre along with guest companies and special events. You won't want to miss any of it!

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2010 at 8:00 p.m.
Josh Hilberman’s “Heeling Powers:  Rhythms of the Left Brain”

Tap dancer extraordinaire Joshua Hilberman and seasoned pianist Paul Arslanian try to live up to the vaudeville maxim, “if you don't like something, wait 8 minutes, and you'll see something else,"  Hilberman has created a two-man variety show tour de force, using tap dance, comedy, ukulele, kazoos, jazz improvisation, original video, poetry, bright colored suits, and high heels. This performance includes improvised and choreographed tap dancing; and an assortment of vaudeville-inflected hilarity!   Read about it from CT Wit

MARCH 24 - 27, 2011
EQuilibrium Dance Theatre presents “The Settlement”

The Settlement represents EQuilibrium Dance Theatre’s quest to start a new hip hop movement.  Moving on from the once known to the new unknown they journey on to find resolve through movement. This performance will re - introduce the audience to EQuilibrium Dance Theatre in its truest form while educating and taking people on an adventure through innovative movement, music and spoken word.

APRIL 27 - MAY 1, 2011
Playhouse on Park's Dance Company in Residence

stop/time dance theater presents “Swing Set”

Dance will be flowing throughout the night, showcasing the varied talents of Playhouse on Park’s resident dance company, stop/time dance theatre.  stop/time’s annual performance is a Playhouse on Park favorite – purchase your tickets early!

Dance Resources:
Dance Umbrella - Check out the Greater Hartford Dance Umbrella newsletter - September, 2011

- CT Dance Alliance website


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