Some of Connecticut's most entertaining female impersonators will be performing - Join Morgana Deluxe, The Divine Spice, Cassandra Fiore, Mini Deluxe and others, with a special appearance by the Hartford Harlettes for an evening of comedy and Broadway - Drag Queens at their best!   A cash bar (beer and wine will be available courtesy of the Prospect Café.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
7:00pm & 10:00pm (Doors open at 5:30pm & 8:30pm)

Reserved Seating. $20 Adults, $18 Seniors, Students and Let*s Go ARTS members (All proceeds benefit Playhouse on Park)

Dress Sale Returns!  There will be a dress sale on Saturday, Oct 17th from 10am - 4pm (open to the public) and just prior to both Deluxe and Friends performances (for ticket buyers).    

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